Backing – Constant film weight be maintained on print, ink does not follow duct rollers.
- Ensure there is sufficient ink in the ink duct
- Add flow improving varnish to the ink max 5%
Chalking – Ink pigment does not bind to the stock and comes off by mere rubbing.
- Use less absorbent paper
- Ensure fountain pH is between 4.8 to 5.5
- Use higher quality ink (stronger and fast setting)
- Use O.P. varnish to save printed sheets
Dot Gain/Muddy Halftones – Halftone dots increase in size causing the printed matter to lack sharpness.
- Reduce ink release
- Check reproduction process/plate/blanket
- Ensure proper ink-water balance
- Check pressure between from roller to plate to blanket to paper
- Use stronger ink
Emulsification/Tinting – Light tint appears on un-printed parts of stock and water marks spoil printed areas.
- Maintain proper ink-water balance
- Clean/check plate, correct if necessary
- Ensure fountain pH is between 4.8 to 5.5
Fading – Print changes strength or color with time.
- Check paper stock
- Use Light-Fast Inks in case of outdoor exposure
Gloss(Low) – Less gloss/reflection from printed image.
- Use smoother paper
- Reduce fountain solution feed
- Increase ink film thickness slightly
- Use glossy ink
Hickies – Blemishes in the printed ink film, specially for solid image area.
- Ensure there is no skin while putting ink into ink duct
- Clear rollers and blankets to remove dried ink
- Inspect press room and press for cleanliness to avoid dust/contamination
- Use paper having good pick strength to avoid fluffing
Mileage – More ink is consumed per impression than normal.
- Adjust color densities to optimum with satisfactory print quality
- Maintain proper ink water balance
- Use stronger ink
Misting/Flying – At high machine speed, a spray/fog/mist is visible in the air which finally covers entire parts of the press.
- Use stronger ink with lower release
- Check roller settings
- Release optimum fountain solution
- Reduce the printing speed
- Add Tack Reducer at Max 5%
Picking of Paper – Particles torn from papers, paper coating, scattered at irregular places.
- Use paper having good pick strength
- Use less tacky blanket
- Check print pressure
- Reduce machine speed
- Add Tack Reducer at Max 5%
Plate Wear Off – Loss image area meaning successive impression becomes weaker and weaker, especially common in long run jobs.
- Re-adjust the pressure of ink form roller and damping form roller
- Check/reduce plate to blanket pressure
- Check quality of plate
- Ensure fountain pH is between 4.8 to 5.5
- Consult the ink manufacturer to check grinding
Roller Stripping – Steel rollers do not accept ink and remain blank at certain areas.
- Reduce damping solution feed
- Ensure fountain pH is between 4.8 to 5.5
- Clean the rollers and copperize if required
Rub Resistance/Scuff Resistance(Poor) – Printed ink film appears dry but gets smudged/transferred when rubbed.
- Reduce fountain solution feed
- Ensure fountain pH is between 4.8 to 5.5
- Use smoother paper
- Print with optimum ink release
- Consult ink manufacturer
- Use OP varnish
Scumming – Ink patches showing on non-image areas on the print.
- Ensure fountain pH is between 4.8 to 5.5
- Check plate wear off
- Use stronger ink and run with reduced release
- Correct inkers and dampers setting
Set-off – Ink marks appear on the back of the next sheet in the delivery file.
- Reduce ink release
- Use high quality ink (Stronger and fast setting)
- Reduce size of stacks
- Use Anti-setoff powder in multi color printing
- Add SN 8193 Liquid Drier at Max 2%
Slow Drying – Ink film remains wet or tacky to the touch.
- Avoid addition of any non-drying compounds
- Avoid using highly acidic paper
- Ensure fountain pH is 4.8 to 5.5
- Avoid Excess fountain solution unto the plate
- Add SN 8193 Liquid drier at max 2%
Trapping – Subsequent colors on multi colors job do not transfer properly, resulting in poor color balance.
- Check temperature of the ink rollers
- Make sure inks are printed in decreasing tack order
- Check ink release of subsequent colors
- Maintain proper ink water balance
- Check the strength and viscosity of ink by consulting ink manufacturer
- Add Tack Reducer in subsequent colors at max 5%